Friday, May 18, 2012

Cebu Bound ☼

May 14-16, 2012. One of the most memorable days in my life. It was my first time to ride an airplane, my first time to get out of Luzon, and my first time to tryout the skywalk and edge coaster. I enjoyed the trip... except when people scolded me and stuff. Plus, I wanted a dog so bad, my parents even allowed me, and everyone said yes.. BUT NO. Okay, sorry. I was just really ticked off about that. I didn't even buy a guitar or a ukelele. Great isn't it? UGH. Oh and my pocket money was only.. 150 Pesos, I mean wow. That's just... ugh. I thought my mom sent me allowance in the bank, but no. I thought my relatives would pay me back for the ticket of my grandmother, but no. That's just great. Oh well, what's done is done. If you are wondering if I'm cool with it, NO I'm not. Stupid negativity.

I had a good slumber for about 30 minutes, then I couldn't sleep anymore. Our flight was at 5:35 am, and we were suposed to be at the airport by 3 at least. When I woke up from my deep 30 minute "sleep", I checked the time and it was only 11 pm... I tried to go back to sleep, but I couldn't, so I just watched videos online "quietly" because my cousin was asleep next to me. Got up and took a shower at 2 am and woke up my cousin to get ready and leave. When we got to the airport, I kinda panicked 'cause I seriously forgot everything that my uncle told me. I went to the back of the line to enter the airport and a girl asked me, "Ms., is this the line for Cebu Pacific?" and I was like, "Um, I'm not sure though, but I think so.." .. talk about shame... Anyway, I saw some cute(?) guys in the airport... But not really my type I guess HAHAHA (choosy). So after having to wait so long to check-in, we ate some snacks then went in a bus, then we boarded the plane. I was separated from my grandmother and my cousin, but I was just right in front. I was actually hoping that someone my age would sit beside me, but unfortunately, I got a Japanese "boss" to my left, and an old man to my right. It was so awkward for me to take pictures in the plane but, I managed to do so.

@ NAIA 3

my cousin Bles

Cebu Pacific Bus

my grandmother Loreta

in the plane

I look so fat in the left picture...

When we arrived in Cebu, our tita Annie picked us up and we went to an Inn where they stayed for a night. We ate breakfast there (JOLLIBEE!! NOMM), and stayed for awhile to rest.

After awhile, we rode a taxi and checked-in in Plantation Bay. The place was just amazing and wonderful. Nice pools, gorgeous man-made beaches, and a calm beach (real) in the zone. We had separate rooms from the "old people". We were so thrilled about it because it made us feel mature and independent. I haven't seen the pictures from my tita's camera, and the camera that she used was waterproof so we had it with us all the time (mine isn't, that's why I only have little pictures). Our tita's cousin, tita Dion, works in Plantation Bay, and we got a huge discount. She's really pretty, and single HAHAHA. We watched her show that had a Hollywood Theme in it. It was so cool and so nice! We rode golf carts all around the place, tried out the Jet Ski, got on a Banana Boat or Hotdog, built sand castles,  tried out their slides (especially the big long one), and of course, CLIFF DIVING! Hmmm, I guess I'm that person who loves adventures and daring stuff. Just everything about Plantation Bay is wonderful! The food, the staff, the rooms, the pools, the beach, the place, just plainly EVERYTHING!

me, Bles, & Paul

tita Annie and tito Randy

view from our room

these beds are so soft!

lovely water slides

(from left--right) me, Paul, Bles, Dion, Dong

we had swimsuits on ... don't worry

dinner with the family

such a beautiful place

After checking-out from Plantation Bay, we went to another hotel and stayed there. It wasn't like a 5 star hotel or anything, but it was okay I guess. Cheaper food, Smaller TV, 3 Beds, and super cold airconditioning system. Me and my cousins bought some black hair dye shampoo and black conditioner (idk what's it called) to make our own henna tattoos, but unfortunately, we had no time. So now, I still have it, and I don't know how to make it though.. bummer!

After checking-in in the hotel, we had some rest then went to the Taoist Temple. I felt the peace and harmony in there. It was quiet and stable. Just what I needed I guess, plus their temple(s) *not so sure* were pretty rad! Nice paint jobs and nice sculptures and altars too! It was lovely. I loved the ambiance effect of the surroundings too.

After visiting the Taoist Temple, we went to Ayala Center and bought some "pasalubong" for our family and friends. We then went to this place that sells barbecue and other grilled foods. It was amazing on how they greeted us. Made us feel like celebrities too. When I have a boyfriend, I will definitely bring him there someday! I also tried out their "hanging rice". It tastes so good and so different from any other rice I've tasted. Plus, the way they cooked their food was just savory! I couldn't stop eating, so I forced myself to stop after my 7th or 10th one! Their sauce (where you dip the barbecue) was great! Who knew that soy sauce + calamansi (lime) would make a great combination to the barbecue and its sauce!!

The next day, we went to Crown Regency and we had a lunch buffet at Wang Chan Lo. After that, we went on a 4D Adventure. To be honest, the MaXRider in SM was way better than the 4D Adventure. The quality, the sounds, and the "feeling" is way better in MaXRider. Well, that's just me and my cousin's opinion about the ride, but it was nice anyway. After that, we tried out the Skywalk and the Edge Coaster. It was so fun! We even got our own certificates and key chains after. It's funny on how my cousin was scared at first but, in the end, he managed to stay alive but shaky. We then went to SM Cebu and had last minute shopping there. The things we bought in SM were way cheaper than the one in Ayala Center. We spent a lot of time there. While my cousin, my tita, and my grandmother was busy shopping, I kept ranting to my other cousin about how "sucky" things felt. I was so pissed for not buying a dog, guitar, or a ukelele. I guess it was my fault that I didn't speak-up right away, but I did tell them about what I plan to buy or get in Cebu when I would be there. I guess they didn't care about what my thoughts, wants, and needs are anyways.

We then went to the airport and we went back to Manila. The trip felt long but it was so short and fast. How I wish I could've stayed a bit longer and stuff. The trip was fun while it lasted. So many firsts for me and Bles. We didn't really expect that the other things we did. Ahhh how I love the unexpected! It was nice to finally see Cebu! Great place! It is definitely more fun in the Philippines!

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