Sunday, June 24, 2012


June 23, 2012. One of the most memorable nights I've had with my LSYC Family. I wasn't originally supposed to go because I encountered some problems with transportation and other things. When all was straightened out, things became fine. I commuted to town to meet up with Trina and Charly. Trina was our ride going to Nica's house which was actually quite far. Good thing we left as soon as Trina got to town. We left around 3pm, and arrived at Nica's house at 5pm. In a span of more than 1 hour and 30 minutes, me, Charly, and Trina got the chance to bond in Trina's car. When we got to Nica's house, we were welcomed by some of the LSYC people. We stayed at Nica's room for more than 2 hours, and it was crazy! We were a lot, and we still managed to fit in her room, (Which by the way is so nice!),  and we waited for a long time, which made us a bit hungry, and mad crazy! Hahaha! It was really fun! Then when it was time for us to do "something" we did what we did. After which, we ate dinner, and it was great! Me and Isa left earlier than the others. The ride home was fun. Got the chance to talk to Isa more and yeah. Indeed, it was such a great day! I'm glad I went.

Some of the crazy people in Nica's room! Hihi

Jej 4lyf

Me and Nicole ♥

Pool side

"Is it okay for you to get wet?"
-Then splashes water before I could even finish what I was saying. Hahaha!-


And... Welcome to LSYC Core!

"What is red and smells like blue paint?"
"Red paint!"
"What's green and has wheels?"
"Grass. I lied about the wheels."
"What did the giraffe say to the other giraffe?"
"Nothing, 'cause giraffes can't talk!"
"I have a friend owl."
"Got ya!"
"A man walks into a bar, he is an alcoholic and is ruining his family."
"A duck walks into a bar, the bar tender says 'What'll it be?' the duck doesn't say anything because it is a duck."
"Why do black people eat fried chicken?"
"Because it tastes good."

Doza's anti jokes... Oh gotta love Doza!

Last slice of pizza... Where'd it all go...?

I'm guessing pizza boy ate 'em all.... JK JK! Haha! Love you Judd!!

Gravy station #1! Oh Mitchelle and Romano! Hahaha!

Looking forward to be with these people!!

Mitchelle & Moses
Head and Deputy

Great night spent with great people with great food! What more can I ask for? Thank you to everyone! Love you all! Can't wait to work with you guys! Hihi I'll do my best to make you proud! Let's do this my LSYC family! Woooh!

Stress First?

It's been a week or so since school started, and I am already DRAINED! Well, I guess it's really part but, being drained adds more stress too. Hmmm, how do I describe my first week of school? I honestly don't know. I'm still adjusting to everything though.  Lately, I went to my sister's friend's mom's salon, and it is such a relaxing place! I really really love it there. Although it's small since they're just starting, they're really good! What have I been up to? Well, here you go!

Cupcakes from Liane's sister's birthday!! Super yum!

I love Korean noodles okay.

Bought these leggings from a store in town. The moment I saw it, it caught my eye, so I bought it.

Macaroni + Carbonara sauce + Tuna = scrumptious! (And yes, I made that)

My uncle went to Baguio to check up on things, and he brought home some goods and some things from our old house. I asked him to buy me some ube, and here it is!! Ahhh!

Woke up to this in the car so I took a picture of it. Very soothing!

This is what happens if you're not that careful in changing the strings of your guitar. Worth it though!

My craving has been satisfied! I love you my YFC Family! 
"Now all I am, I lay at Your feet. I'm humbled my the wonder of Your majesty. One thing I know, I find all I need in Your unending love, in Your unending love."
++ Morning worships almost everyday in the chapel! Love love love!

Beneath all the problems and the struggles, all is well!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

First Day of School (12-13)

First day of school.. ughhh. I honestly couldn't sleep, the night before our first day, so I ended up doing stupid things. Anyways, I woke up at 5 am to the alarm tone of Bleach Blonde by This Century. Totally LOVED IT! I then waited for my bus for an hour or so. When I got to school, gosh, I was getting quite nervous and awkward. I barged in the door, not knowing the teacher was already there. Oops! But it's fine, she's a cool teacher! I like her hehehe. Our adviser's name is Ms. Joanne, and our co-adviser's name is Ms. Ra--- wait I forgot... Hmm, it's gonna take me some time to remember my teachers' name okay. It was quite boring though. I didn't really expect it to be THAT quiet. Looking back at my past years, especially from grades 6 - Freshmen, I ALWAYS had someone to chat with, to be awkward with and everything, but this year, I don't know, I remained quiet.. And that is so not me. Well, I'm stil adjusting so yeah. I wasn't able to go to the morning worship in the adoration chapel awhile ago. It was such a bummer! I hate how my school bus arrives at 7:45 am.... It's just not cool okay.

Well anyways, we got lots of forms to accomplish, and lots of index cards to make. I ran out of 1x1 pictures already, and I still need them to accomplish some forms. Grr! Awhile ago, Patrischia also visited us in school with LOTS and LOTS of mini red velvet cupcakes! They were so cute and tiny, and of course, oh so YUMMY!! Oh did I mention that I have 2 new busmates? Yeah, I do. Well, they are younger than me, and I know the older one because of SRCC. Hehehe. Anyways, to wrap things up, this day was great! I got to see some of my classmates from last year, and I miss them so so so much! And I really cried when I saw Franco, Paeng, and Paulo. I cried because they still remember me and mind me. Normally, people would snob each other because they aren't classmates anymore, and they have got nothing to do with them in their lives so yeah. I was really touched by them because they were the ones who went up to me and greeted me! So cute!! Aww! I also got to meet some of our teachers this year. Well, I'm just hoping for the best, and whatever happens, happens.

Yuck, glasses...

Ooh! My Second Year Patch is inverted.. How cool...

Just to remind me that He is with me.

The After-sleep-face

See those eye bags? Yeah, I'm proud.


Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Summer 2☀12

This summer went by so fast! I wish I could have a few more weeks before summer officially ends. Back to business again for everybody I guess. I did have a great summer, I just wish that I could've spent my time wisely and productively, but bumming around is good for time-to-time. So much first-in-my-whole-life experiences!

Ride an airplane
 Get out of Luzon
 Cliff Diving
 Jet Ski
 and other unmentionable things due to long long list

I learned new things in life. I became more philosophical in ways I cannot define. I did change I guess. I don't really know how to describe or tell how this summer has changed me, so I guess I'll leave it that way.

It's sad that I did not attend any summer camp or workshops this year. I'm still bummed and frustrated about it until now by the way, but oh well. My faith in God is still the same, to anyone out there who's rubbing things on my face. So please, stop bashing on me.

I've done reckless things and maybe some inappropriate things but, that's not what we're supposed to remember or know since we should keep it up at the bright side! Well, I've done so much DIYs at home, also I did gain some cooking skills, and my maturity level can manage to surpass intellectual beings who does not understand the difference of light from lighting. Just kidding! But yeah, I did mature somehow, in some ways.

Some of the bracelets/anklets I made

Butterscotch cake that we baked for my uncle's birthday

Milo + Cheese = Cheelo
This is a CHEELO sandwich! Yummm!

My own recipe of Oreo Cheesecake

Blue Scrambled Eggs. Anyone? Haha!

Mashed Potatoes + Gravy

Just because I love my eye here...

5 months of having red hair under the sun, and it still hasn't worn off that much yet! Amazed!

Looked for these praise and worship songs + albums since I miss worships!

Colors of the rainbow!! Oooh!

Dirty dirty hands! Love the colors though!

Mmmhhmmm!! Yummyyyy! Rainbow Pancakes! Hihi

Made my own Duct Tape Wallet!! Turned out pretty cool!

I don't know.. Summer 2012 will forever be memorable to me, just like every summer I ever had.

It's that time again to hit the books and study my butt off to get into a decent school in the future. Yeah, I would love to get in NYU, USC, or UP.

Also, I learned that doing crazy and maybe extravagant things doesn't make you a unfulfilling person. I tell you, doing those things once in a while, it can make you happy. Just remember that overdoing it, might lead to some serious trouble. Which by the way, RIP to those that died this summer. You will forever be in the hearts of your loved ones!

My goal for this school year is to

  1. Lose weight (lol)
  2. Get my grades back up
  3. Stay in the honor's list
  4. Find what I'm good at ('cause I haven't found my "wow" factor yet in me.. or maybe I'm just to blind to see... I'm not sure)
  5. Find out what I want to be and do
  6. Gain more friends
  7. Stay active in my organizations
  8. Let go
  9. Do some workshops
  10. Stay in touch with Him
I can add more but, might take me the whole day typing it. I just hope that I can accomplish most of these so I wouldn't waste my life.

Need motivation?
Wish it. Dream it. Do it.