Sunday, June 10, 2012

Henna Tattoos (summer 2012)

This summer, my mom finally allowed me to get a henna tattoo over the summer! I do not regret getting them because they are just temporary, and the tattoos I got really means something to me. I'm glad Janina pushed me into getting them! Hahaha!

Janina & Me

"Pinky Promise" 
-- I got this because I saw a picture of this on Tumblr, and I got attached to it that I kept writing "promise" on my pinky using a pen!

"Flaming Opposites"
-- I wasn't supposed to get this, but since Janina told me that having a small henna tattoo on my finger isn't really super worth it, so I then decided to get this after 30 minutes of thinking about it. Hahaha! Embarrassing though because my back was breaking out that time (boo bacne!). Err. Haha!
-- The thing is, I am obsessed with Yin Yang because of Lao Tzu. Thank you Taoism and Social Studies! I love how this (Yin Yang + Sun) means that in every darkness, there is light, and in every light, there is darkness. I would go on with details in philosophical terms but, I might bore you, and it would take a long time for you to read it, so no. Haha! Maybe next time, I would do it though. Hihi

I was gonna get another henna (of a music note) at the back of my right ear (no not really the ear but, a part of my head that's closest to my back right ear), but I realized that I had school in a few days, so never mind. But, I will do it soon, and maybe I'd consider it being a real tattoo, that is if my parents would allow me. For now, Sharpie's and pens will do!

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