Sunday, June 10, 2012

After 8 Years

It's been 8 long years since I've seen Ari. We have been best friends since junior prep, and well she left the Philippines when we were grade 3 (that's what I know... Haha). To be honest, after junior prep, I didn't see her anymore, but of course, I never forgot about her. She went to Malaysia and thought that she'd stay there for a month or so, thinking it was only a vacation, but the sad truth, she stayed there for several years, but came back to the Philippines a couple of times (according to her story).  I must say that we've been long lost friends I guess, but we regained our friendship last 2010 (thanks to our best friend, Elijah). Reminiscing past events with her was really great! The feeling that you've found your long lost friend, makes my life brighter in a way. I actually asked one of our friends, Raizza, when we were in grade 4 where Ari went, Raizza then told me that she's in Malaysia and such. I was quite sad that she left and I never knew, because of the fact that we were somehow separated through the years, but all is well!

Somewhere in 2011, Ari told me and Elijah that she'd be visiting the Philippines by November 2011, and that we should all hangout together. Yeah, it didn't happen. Well, it could've, but the time when I was in ATC, Ari told me that she'd be going there too and we should meet up, gladly I replied to her that we really should. Since I haven't thought of what to give her, I spent about 45 minutes or so, looking for a gift that hopefully she would like. I ended up buying her a necklace from Accessorize.

A necklace with a peach(? close to flesh + pink lol) rose, and headphones.
Backstory: Ari is a bit of a girly girl, and she likes pink. I figured that that small rosette suits it. Me and Ari almost have the same type of music, but not super super the same, and well, I know how she adores music, so I guess that the headphones could symbolize it.

*credits to whoever owns this hehe

If you guys wondered if we did meet, no, we didn't. It was sad though but, I knew that we'd meet someday, with some perfect timing I guess. (mmhmm cheesy) The three of us never did meet up together. Tragic. After a few months, Ari told us that she'd be coming back and this time around, she would really love to see us. I did get the chance to meet her before she went back to Malaysia, but sadly, Elijah missed out on this. Busy man nowadays I guess.

Last June 8, we agreed that we would seriously meet up already. Which we did, so hooray for that! We met up at ATC and caught up with each other's lives. That day was just a stunner for me, and I'm really glad that I got to spend some quality time with her, and by quality time, I mean walking, talking, chasing men, fangirling, did weird things, did courageous things, boy hunting, and of course, EAT. Honestly, words cannot describe how ecstatic I really feel. It has been TOO long since I've actually seen her, and yes, also from skype since we haven't skyped for a long time.

It was really funny on how we exchanged some TMI things, but man, it was GREAT! We did talk about our "lovelife" and it ended up making us a bit grungy 'cause of you-know-who. Funny how things intertwined and connected though! What a story, right Ari? It's glad that we've moved on from our pasts, and laughed about it and the silly things we did for love I guess. Proof of moving on? Well, here it is.

I made a promise to myself that I would delete EVERYTHING as soon as I showed Ari. Was it hard for me? At first, yeah. I mean, those words were very... giddy (nakakakilig or kilig in Tagalog), but I realized that it was time to let it go. Some people may get this picture, but probably most of you won't. If you get this picture, lucky you. If you don't, well good for you since you didn't put up with me when I was dealing with "that" problem.

We then ate dinner at Burger King because Jollibee was full. I was quite low on budget that day so I couldn't really ask her to eat in nice restaurants, but I'm glad she understood, and she as well was trying to budget herself too. Hahaha! Amazing how we were money-wise that day! We saw our former CL teacher back when we were grade 1 and grade 2 in Burger King, and I saw my former Music teacher / Adviser too! It was great catching up with them though. I did saw some people from my school and I realized school was near already. Aww, summer. To make things short, me and Ari spent a wonderful day with each other!

My burger face! Haha! Kudos to Ari!!

I'm really gonna miss you mermaid (my nickname to her when we were in junior prep) !!! Come visit soon again, and hopefully, your mom will reconsider you guys living here once again! Hihi!  I miss you and love you! Looking forward to our next hangout, and this time, I really hope Elijah can come with us!

Me & Ari

Ended the day by buying my sister some new toys and a pillow, and getting some Jamba Juice for myself! Hihi

Oh, and here's what I wore!

Shirt: Burberry
Shorts: Old Navy
Shoes: Solemate
Bag: Liz Claiborne

I do like them sparkly! Made the black polish not so boring after all! Too bad I have to take it out soon before school starts.

CHEERS to Elijah who brought me and Ari's friendship back on track! Here's to you bro!

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