Saturday, June 9, 2012

Happy Anniversary Breakthrough ♥

It's been a year since I have been part of the Youth For Christ - Zobel Family. Being part of YFC has changed my life in so many ways. I can't believe that in those 3 days, a person can change so much. My love for my YFC Family is indescribable. I love them all so much. I would love to share some stories and events that happened during my first experience as a participant in YFC, but I can't. It's quite confidential, and I might spoil some things to those who wants to join YFC. I must say though, I can't get enough of YFC.

"I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again."

Since Core '12 were hyped about their first camp, they posted a picture + tagged those who were lucky to get in.

Woot! Parental Consent for camp!
Not to forget, our camp heads during our camp was Sam Razon and Lorenzo (Verge) Vergel de Dios

If I could only post the comments that some of us said, Hahaha, it would be a win!

The Pond's Commercial-Breakthrough Pose!

This was when we had to represent our organization during the Org Fair.

I think this was the first worship we had... I'm not quite sure though, but I remember that in our first worship (Breakthrough + YFC-Z) of the SY 11-12, former President Jiro de la Rosa, led our worship. I didn't expect it to be like that though. People shouting, people singing so loud, people crying, people kneeling, standing, and things like that. To be honest, I thought worship was just singing and giving praise, but it isn't all that. If you want to know how worship is, join YFC and some other organizations like J-Zone, and those alike! You would be craving for more and more worships! Trust me.

Haha Mike! Awww!

Our first out-of-school outreach! Very fulfilling day indeed!

I love you Lance!

Breakthrough Skypes and Webcams!

Our first Faci Training! WOOH! Breakthrough REPRESENT!

Our first camp that we served! Stronghold!!!! 

Covenant Orientation hihihi

Always and forever! I will never, ever forget this camp! I love you so much my dearest YFC Family!
Btw, thank you Core '12, facilitators, service team, and to all those who made our camp successful, and very memorable!

God is good, all the time! God is where? Everywhere!
Everywhere? God is there. All the time, God is good!

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